6 Ways Alcohol Monitoring Can Help Rebuild Trust

alcohol monitoring helps rebuild trust
June 3, 2018
|   Updated:
February 23, 2025

Trust is One of the Greatest Losses Experienced by People with AUD

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), “problem drinking that becomes severe is given the medical diagnosis of ‘alcohol use disorder’ or AUD. AUD is a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive alcohol use, loss of control over alcohol intake, and a negative emotional state when not using.” The NIAAA reports that approximately 16 million American adults have Alcohol Use Disorder.alcohol m

This medical (and somewhat overly scientific) explanation of AUD is helpful for those looking for a clinical, rational explanation for the behavior that often results from excessive drinking. However; it doesn’t begin to scratch the surface when it comes to describing what happens to people who develop AUD.

Those who suffer from AUD can experience legal difficulties, family problems, negative consequences at work, and life-threatening health issues because of alcohol. Furthermore, many people experience financial problems as the condition progresses. It is not uncommon for those who suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder to lose their job, assets, and precious possessions once an alcohol addiction takes over.

Nevertheless, there is one thing more than anything else that is lost for those who have struggled with AUD and it is perhaps the most valuable thing of all – trust.

Alcohol Use Disorder Leads to Dishonest Behavior  

AUD leads to the loss of trust between those who are recovering from the disorder and the important people in their lives. Broken promises, dishonesty, and regretable alcoholic behavior breeds contempt among those who know someone who has struggled with Alcohol Use Disorder. This is not surprising. There is an old saying about trust – it takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.

While someone new to recovery may have a sincere desire to change and learn how to lead a sober lifestyle; their spouse, children, employer, friends, and family members will be skeptical at first – and probably for quite some time.

By the time someone with AUD commits to sobriety, they have engaged in months or years of the same cycle – drunkenness, regret, remorse, vows to not drink again, followed by more drunkenness. This leaves family, friends, and work associates hurt, frustrated, and hesitant to believe in any more solemn vows that involve a commitment to abstinence from alcohol.

The Consequences that Result from a Loss of Trust

While they are surely understanding of how past behaviors have negatively impacted the important people in their lives, the newly recovering person can get very discouraged when they get sober because of the lack of trust.

While someone may have a steadfast determination to continue to stay sober, the lack of trust from the people in their support circle can actually lead to a relapse. It might go something like this: “Well they don’t trust me anyway, even though I am being honest, so I might as well give them a reason not to trust me” or “I feel like I have no one I can lean on – I’ll have a drink.”.

Furthermore, the lost of trust in relationships can have a detrimental affect on all parties involved. Most people want to have a relationship that is built on a solid foundation of trust. When that foundation has been cracked by AUD, it can lead to disharmony and ongoing resentments.

A Foolproof Way for Those with AUD to Reestablish Credibility

Those who are in recovery from AUD usually have a desire to regain trust from the important people in their lives. They feel remorse about being dishonest and unreliable in the past and they want to change their behavior. The problem is, they don’t have the first idea on how to go about the process. This is where alcohol monitoring can be helpful.

Alcohol monitoring uses a handheld device that checks the blood alcohol content (BAC) of an individual when they blow into an attached breathalyzer. These devices have become quite sophisticated. They use facial recognition to confirm the user’s identity, have tamper resistant sensors to ensure the integrity of the test, and they can send the results wirelessly to other people or organizations at the user’s request.

In years past, those working to rebuild trust with someone recovering from AUD had to rely solely on the person’s word to determine if an individual was being honest about their sobriety. This is no longer the case.

With alcohol monitoring, there is no guesswork. The science doesn’t lie and the device which is FDA Cleared provides real time accurate results. This can help heal broken relationships and rebuild trust.

6 Ways Alcohol Monitoring Can Help Rebuild Trust

There is nothing on the market that can deliver accurate information like a remote alcohol monitoring system when it comes to alcohol testing.

Remote alcohol monitoring produces instant results that are delivered in real-time. For those who are recovering from Alcohol Use Disorder, there is simply no better way to provide proof of ongoing, continuous sobriety to family, friends, employers, and colleagues. Additionally, alcohol monitoring encourages ongoing recovery by providing a point of accountability.

Here are six ways alcohol monitoring can be beneficial for those looking to establish trust in recovery:

  1. The kind of alcohol monitoring offered by Soberlink allows a person recovering from AUD to prove to their spouse or significant other that they are sober at various points throughout the day every day in real time. This can be a breath of fresh air for partners with whom trust has been broken, which provides a sense of security in the relationship.
  2. Work relationships are also deeply affected, creating mistrust among colleagues, business partners, and employers. Alcohol monitoring provides an opportunity for someone in sobriety to be accountable, showing that they are engaged in the task at hand and executing their work responsibilities while completely sober.
  3. Many people who are recovering from AUD are engaged in custody battles and fighting for rights to their children. Alcohol monitoring can help. By providing proof of ongoing sobriety, parents have the opportunity to win favor in the eyes of the court and be given the chance to actively co-parent their kids.
  4. Alcohol monitoring keeps a detailed record of all tests. This can provide proof of daily sobriety for months or even years, depending on how long monitoring takes place. This kind of documentation can be helpful in any situation where a recovering person’s sobriety is questioned.
  5. An alcohol monitoring system can reestablish trust among co-parents. Many mothers and fathers become rightfully concerned about the safety of their children when the other parent has had a problem with AUD. Whether parenting under the same roof or living in different households, implementing alcohol monitoring to prove sobriety while executing parental responsibilities can rebuild trust when it comes to the children.
  6. Those who are recovering from AUD are often involved in a 12-Step program such as A.A. and they develop a circle of friends in sobriety. Alcohol monitoring can allow a newcomer to show a sponsor or people with long-term recovery that that are working an honest program.

These are just a few of the many ways someone seeking sobriety from Alcohol Use Disorder can benefit from alcohol monitoring.

If you or someone you know is recovering from AUD, consider implementing the use of Soberlink. The system is accurate, effective, and it comes with a priceless gift – the opportunity to rebuild trust.

About the Author

Bethany Heinesh is a professional writer and proud Marine Corps veteran who specializes in mental health advocacy. Bethany is passionate about empowering people to break free from the bondage of addiction so they can create a beautiful life in recovery like she has. Bethany has a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations with a Minor in Religious Studies from the University of Houston and a Master of Arts in Administration-Communication Arts from the University of the Incarnate Word.

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