Family Law Articles

How to Say No To Your Kids
August 6, 2017
A mother saying no to her son
Sometimes, saying no to your kids is the right answer, but for some parents, saying no can be hard. “No” is often met with tantrums, which leads many parents to dodge the answer in the first place. However, children need to hear the word “no” as it helps them better understand decision making.
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Three Dimensions to a Rational Relationship with Your Ex-Spouse
July 31, 2017
Parents Holding Child's Hand
The pain involved in most divorces approaches and even equals that involved in unexpected death of a loved one.Still, during this process, you’ll hear repeatedly that, for the sake of the children, you must build a workable relationship with your ex-spouse or partner.
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Digital Rules – Managing Your Child’s Social Media
July 25, 2017
Kid using laptop
These days, the Internet is a fact of life. So much of our day-to-day is wrapped up in the online world, which makes it no wonder that digital citizens are becoming younger and younger. If you’re a parent, you may have already been subjected to pleas for a smartphone, or you might have spotted your child navigating their social media profiles on the family computer.
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Recovery May Mean Re-Learning How To Parent
July 2, 2017
Little girl resting her head on her father's shoulder
The short-term damage wrought by addiction is obvious and easy to see. In families, though, children may also suffer long-term effects from their parent’s addiction, even if the parent doesn’t exhibit classic abuse or neglect. Children of addicts have an increased likelihood to fall into addiction themselves; they also display increased rates of emotional problems, risk-seeking behavior, and disciplinary issues at school.
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Telling Your Kids You’re Getting Divorced
June 25, 2017
Telling Your Kids You Are Getting Divorced
For a parent, it can be one of the toughest conversations you’ll ever have with your kids: telling them that you and their other parent are getting a divorce. This announcement can immediately set off a number of anxious feelings and questions from your child; they may be worried that they won’t ever see their other parent again, or that it was somehow their fault.
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Managing Sobriety Discreetly
June 11, 2017
Woman and daughter on street
Dedicating yourself to a sober lifestyle isn’t easy, but it’s crucial for anyone looking to maintain a healthy family life. As you’re likely aware, addiction doesn’t just affect you, it affects your entire family. This is especially true when you have children and you’re involved in a custody situation, whether it’s an existing arrangement or you’re just entering family law proceedings and are trying to establish basic ground rules that will ensure your children are living in stable environments.
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What Can You Prove? Considerations for Custody Cases
June 4, 2017
Man And Wife Are Reading Divorce Agreement
Custody cases are, by default, some of the most emotionally difficult legal proceedings handled by our courts. In such an emotionally charged situation, it can sometimes be difficult to draw distinctions between what a party knows, and what can be proved in a legal sense. And in a court case, the outcome always hinges on what can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
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17 Co-Parenting Tips
May 31, 2017
Dad walking holding young son's hand
Today, roughly 10% of children live with a parent who abuses alcohol. Even more alarming than this statistic is how rapidly this number continues to grow. With a global pandemic contributing to higher divorce rates, alcohol abuse is up, causing parents to reevaluate their unions and make decisions in the best interests of their children. 
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Creating a Co-Parenting Schedule
May 21, 2017
Creating a Co-Parenting Schedule
Working on creating a parenting schedule for a family that’s recently separated is never easy, but creating a formal schedule can help smooth over a lot of bumps in the road before they even happen. No matter how well you and your former spouse get along, having a schedule you can reference gives both of you a solid frame you can build your new relationship around without risking further stress on your children
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