Family Law Articles

Divorce During Back-to-School Season: How to Craft a Safe and Respectful Co-Parenting Environment
September 6, 2022
Divorce During Back-to-School Season: How to Craft a Safe and Respectful Co-Parenting Environment
Divorce rates are exploding, and filings have steadily increased since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. More than a third of couples, most of whom have young children, contemplated divorce just three months into the pandemic. But as former spouses move into post-pandemic life and adapt to a new way of living, many are left with the lingering task of reassembling their severed family unit. Cultivating a respectful environment requires you to remain flexible, not for the sake of giving in, but because your kid's emotional well-being depends on it.
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Questions to be Considered by Attorneys When Alcohol is Involved in a Custody Case
August 15, 2022
Questions to be Considered by Attorneys When Alcohol is Involved in a Custody Case
Most Family Law attorneys will encounter a child custody case involving alcohol. Whether representing the parent accused of alcohol abuse or the concerned party, there are vital questions attorneys should consider when developing their approach to these cases.
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Navigating Back to School and Divorce: How to Set Everyone Up for Success
August 2, 2022
Family Smiling While Navigating Back to School and Divorce
For most school-aged children, the back-to-school season is a time of new beginnings. It’s an opportunity to connect with old friends and make new ones. However, for children of divorce, returning to school can also be a time when the effects of their broken family unit intensify.
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The Prevalence of Alcohol in Custody Cases: What Family Law Attorneys Need to Be Prepared For
July 11, 2022
The Prevalence of Alcohol in Custody Cases: What Family Law Attorneys Need to Be Prepared For
The overriding priority of Family Court judges across the country is to provide for the best interest of the children. When one or both parents in a custody case are struggling with alcohol abuse, the child's wellbeing is at risk.According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), ten percent of American children live with a mother or father who abuses alcohol. More than 7.2 million children will experience the lifelong consequences of alcohol-related family dysfunction.
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Upcoming Back-to-School Season Tips for Divorced Parents: How to Keep the Focus on the Children
July 11, 2022
Upcoming Back-to-School Season Tips for Divorced Parents: How to Keep the Focus on the Children
Transitions in life are inevitable. Some are welcome additions, such as buying a house or starting a family. Other changes like losing a relationship due to death or divorce catch you off guard. As a parent, learning to manage these periods of adjustments successfully is crucial as you’re not just responsible for your own well-being but also that of your children. 
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What to Ask a Divorce Lawyer: Important Questions When a Divorce Involves Alcohol and Children
April 25, 2022
A Woman Asking Important Questions to a Divorce Lawyer
Enough. You have reached the point of no return. And the children have seen more than their fair share. Finally, you or your spouse has broached the subject of divorce. What’s next? When children are involved, moving forward with the divorce process requires careful planning and consideration. Whether you hire a lawyer or go it alone, consult with an experienced divorce lawyer before commencing an action for divorce. However, when alcohol is a factor in a divorce that involves children, bear in mind that you are not simply consulting with a divorce attorney to protect your interests. You are interviewing a professional whose navigation of the legal system is laying the foundation for your new life and your children’s. Make it count.
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How to Find a Divorce Lawyer: Navigating the Contested Divorce Process Requires an Experienced Attorney
February 9, 2022
A Good Divorce Lawyer Explaining The Divorce Process
It's always a sad day when parents, who once loved each other, can no longer be together. When a marriage ends, it's not only the couple that experiences loss. The children do too. When your family breaks apart, everyone is forced to adjust to a new life, and, as a result, there will be times when you have to deal with a variety of issues that come up because of the breakup. Minimizing these factors makes retaining an experienced divorce lawyer you can trust, who understands your specific situation and is sensitive to the nuances of your conflict (inside and outside the courtroom), a crucial next step.
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The Importance of a Concerned Party in Self-Represented Custody Cases Involving Substance Abuse
December 23, 2021
The Importance of a Concerned Party in Self-Represented Custody Cases Involving Substance Abuse
What does it mean to be a parent? While some people may argue it’s purely biological, anyone who has held the role knows it goes far beyond nature. A parent’s responsibility is to nurture, provide, and above all else, protect, even if it means shielding their little ones from themselves. One in 10 children is exposed to substance abuse.
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Alcohol and Parenting Time: Why Proving Sobriety is Crucial
December 2, 2021
Quality Parenting Time While Being Sober
Americans are drinking more heavily than a decade ago. In today’s culture, people drink to celebrate life events, calm their nerves at social functions, and unwind after a long stressful day. But as demonstrated most recently during the pandemic, an increasing number of people are also using alcohol during parenting time. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 7 million children under age 17 live with a parent who suffers from alcohol addiction.
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Prioritizing Children’s Emotional Health in Alcohol Abuse Cases
October 13, 2021
Prioritizing The Emotional Health of a Child in Alcohol Abuse Cases
Every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment. While most people would echo this philosophy, exercising this in child custody and alcohol cases can be a steep battle. Add a global pandemic, a tumultuous co-parenting relationship, and false-positive results to the equation, and what constitutes “in the best interest of the child” becomes far less defined.
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