Family Law Articles

Using Alcohol Monitoring to Help Become a Better Parent
March 30, 2021
Father Playing With Young Daughter
It’s impossible to become a perfect parent. But being a great parent is within reach, even for adults struggling with alcohol abuse. By developing healthier coping mechanisms, including technology’s help, parents may boost their recovery efforts and improve their relationship with their children.
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How Alcohol Monitoring Can Help Co-Parents be Present During Distance Learning
March 1, 2021
Distance Learning Challenges for Kids
Mornings can be hectic. Mornings as a parent can be a whirlwind. From the second the alarm rings, it’s coaxing kids out of bed, encouraging them to get ready, getting oneself ready, making breakfast, grabbing lunches, and running out the door.
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Mocktails, Sobriety, and Child Custody: A Discussion Around Commitment
January 19, 2021
Mother and daughter pretending to have a tea party
The dangers of drinking culture during sobriety, ways to rebuild trust, and how to maintain child custody with the help of Soberlink alcohol monitoring.
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How to Navigate Hearsay in Family Law Cases Involving Alcohol Abuse
December 29, 2020
Girl covering her ears during parent's argument
According to Family Law experts, addiction is amongst the top six reasons for divorce, next to a lack of partnership or intimacy, falling out of love, communication problems, and not being ready for marriage. In any of these instances, emotions are running high for both partners, especially when there are children involved.
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Can Child Custody be Changed?
November 19, 2020
Dad giving daughter piggy-back ride
It can take months of back-and-forth to come up with a parenting plan. Once it’s in place, most parents work hard to stick with it. But there can come a time when a current co-parenting plan stops working for one reason or another. When that happens, parents can adjust their child custody arrangement post litigation, if it continues to uphold the best interests of the child.
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How Flexible Should Alcohol Monitoring be in a Parenting Plan?
October 28, 2020
Father and his little son playing in the autumn leaves outdoors
Allegations of alcohol abuse, whether they’re supported by a history of abuse or based on unsubstantiated concerns, are taken seriously in Family Law cases involving children. Family Court Judges and settlement lawyers turn to more than just the testimonies given by opposing parties when creating custody arrangements in the best interest of the child.
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5 Ways Soberlink Alcohol Monitoring Can Help Your Client’s Custody Battle
September 20, 2020
Dad playing with baby
When alcohol use is a factor in a child custody case, practitioners often look for solutions that will enable a child to maintain healthy, loving relationships with both parents. Whether your client is the one making or facing allegations of alcohol use, or you are a judge determining custody, using remote alcohol monitoring to support your case might help.
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How to Balance a Child’s Best Interests and a Parent’s Rights in Child Custody
August 30, 2020
Mother and father having difficulty co-parenting
Child custody, visitation, conservatorship – these are the various terms used across the United States to reference a parent’s legal rights and responsibilities upon divorce or separation. When parents find themselves at this crossroad, they are given the ability to negotiate a parenting agreement or parenting plantogether that provides in-depth details on how their child(ren) will be cared for moving forward.
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How Can Alcohol Abuse Affect Chances of Custody in Divorce?
July 30, 2020
Single dad with kids
A common issue that arises during child custody litigation is that one or both parents may be unfit to parent due to alcohol abuse. People may assume that alcohol abuse claims immediately disqualify a parent from receiving full or partial custody. While alcohol abuse may, in severe cases, lead to this outcome, it is not necessarily the intention of the judge to permanently separate families due to substance abuse.
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How to Protect a Family Law Client Falsely Accused of Alcohol Abuse
July 6, 2020
Explaining the Soberlink Data
In Family Law, there are two sides to every story. When interpersonal disputes between spouses result in irreconcilable differences, the judge must rule on the third side of the story to the best of their ability: the truth. As part of this responsibility, judges must determine whether any evidence that the parties present is illegal, irrelevant and/or inadmissible in court and ultimately determine the child’s best interests.
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