Family Law Articles

Who Can Be Awarded Custody and How Is This Determined?
January 7, 2019
Holding Hands After Child Custody Case
Most people who say “I do” don’t expect their marriages to end in divorce, but almost half of them do. That leaves couples with children facing a heart-wrenching dilemma: Where should the children live? About a tenth of couples decide to share custody more or less equally. In the remainder of the cases, one person will have physical custody.
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3 Ways to Promote Your Client’s Peace of Mind in Family Law
December 20, 2018
Family Lawyer Shaking Hand of Happy Client
Custody cases can be an incredibly stressful experience for everyone involved. When Alcohol Use Disorder is present, emotions may run even higher, as child safety and parenting time are put into question – and that’s where Family Law attorneys come in.
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What is Child Custody and Time Sharing?
December 10, 2018
Father on Time-Sharing Reading Book with Daughter
Parents entangled in a family law dispute may feel frustrated at the jargon thrown around by lawyers and family court judges. What one state calls “custody”, another might call “conservatorship”. There might be “legal custody”, “physical custody” or just “possession”. “Visitation schedules” might also be called “time sharing” or “Parenting Time”.
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Four Things to Look for in Choosing a Family Law Attorney
October 30, 2018
Choosing a family law attorney
Choosing the right Family Law Attorney for your situation can have multiple variables, depending on your case. For example, if your case is a high-value divorce with only the division of property at stake, you may want a lawyer with a lot of experience on complex accounting matters. If the parties are not working together well, then an attorney who can encourage less adversity to get the matter settled might be a better fit.
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Top 5 Features Family Law Attorneys Look for in an Alcohol Monitoring Device
October 23, 2018
Top 5 Features for an Alcohol Monitoring Device
In our digital age, alcohol monitoring is more technologically advanced than ever before. With state-of-the-art solutions, like Soberlink, raising the bar, Family Law attorneys can now access a variety of new features for faster litigation and ensured child safety. From advanced technology to five-star customer service, Family Law attorneys are looking for advanced alcohol monitoring systems that make testing accessible and effective for their clients.
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4 Reasons to Use Alcohol Monitoring in Child Custody Cases
September 20, 2018
Mom pushing child on swing at playground
When Laura plans to go to the gym, she notifies her workout buddies. She knows she’ll be more likely to go if she’s made a commitment to her friends.Jon’s history teacher seldom checks homework. His math teacher always does.
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5 Ways Alcohol Abuse Can Impact a Child’s Mental Health
September 12, 2018
A child hugging his mom that has yellow flowers in her hand
According to The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 7.5 million children live with a parent with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) or Alcohol Abuse – that equates to about 10 percent of children in the U.S. Exposure to Alcohol Use Disorder at an early age can have a drastic impact on a child’s mental health, resulting in both short-term and long-term consequences.
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Five Tips for New Family Law Attorneys
July 22, 2018
Father and son playing football outside
Congratulations! You’ve passed the bar – maybe you even have a job lined up, and you’re about to jump head-first into the world of family law. There is a steep learning curve, but don’t get discouraged. There are a lot of things that you can do to prepare for your new career.
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7 Ways Alcohol Abuse Can Affect Children
July 2, 2018
A sad child affected be alcohol abuse of parents sitting on a bench in the park
Childhood memories are tricky things. You may not remember a trip you took as a child, but you probably remember going to the emergency room for stitches. You have surely forgotten thousands of days you spent in the classroom, but you may remember the day a teacher yelled at you.
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The Power of Sober Parenting
June 14, 2018
Sober parenting while walking on the beach
When it comes to parenting, who wouldn’t like to have a few super powers? How about X-ray vision so you could look through walls and see if your child is really doing homework? Telekinesis would be very helpful when it’s time to straighten up the house!
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