How to Cheat Soberlink: The Comprehensive Guide to Why You Can't

How to Cheat Soberlink: The Comprehensive Guide to Why You Can't
July 10, 2024
|   updated:
July 21, 2024


"How to cheat Soberlink" is a commonly searched question that underscores the importance of making alcohol monitoring technology robust and cheat-proof. “Cheating” an alcohol monitoring system is officially referred to as “tampering.” While other brands may not focus on preventing tampers, Soberlink stands out as the only system that prioritizes comprehensive security measures to ensure accurate and reliable results, which are so important in the Family Law and Addiction Recovery markets. This article delves into why cheating Soberlink is nearly impossible, the advanced features that set it apart, and how it compares to other alcohol monitoring systems that are more susceptible to tampering.

Why Cheating Soberlink is Nearly Impossible

Cheating or tampering with Soberlink is nearly impossible due to its comprehensive verification process. The system incorporates multiple layers of security, including facial recognition, tamper detection sensors, and an in-house compliance team, all of which work together to ensure that tests are accurate and reliable.

Soberlink uses Facial Recognition as a way of security

Facial Recognition Technology

Soberlink’s facial recognition technology is the cornerstone of its tamper-detecting design. This feature ensures that the person taking the test is verified by capturing a picture and utilizing facial recognition software. This makes it extremely difficult for someone else to take the test on behalf of the intended user. If the facial recognition software is unable to verify identity, the image is sent to a 24/7 UL-certified team of professionals, where two people verify the identity of the user within minutes.

Less secure systems use video or image verification from a smartphone, which is an external device. When the camera is not built into the breathalyzer, there are many relatively easy methods for someone to trick the involved parties, who must manually verify the tester’s identity each time. The lack of real-time, automated verification allows for significant loopholes in ensuring the tester’s identity. Jen, whose co-parent used Soberlink to prove sobriety, trusted Soberlink over other options because the other options “didn't have the facial recognition... And I had a suspicion if it was not set up that way, that there would be ways around the device, that somebody else was going to take those tests for him.”

A man using the Soberlink alcohol monitoring device

Tamper Detection Sensors

Soberlink’s tamper detection sensors add another layer of security by ensuring the integrity of each breath sample and the physical device itself. First, Soberlink utilizes proprietary sensors that detect whether the breath sample is actually from a human. This prevents attempts to tamper with the system using air pumps or other mechanical means.

In addition to breath sample verification, Soberlink has robust measures to prevent physical tampering. If the device detects any attempts to pry it open or tamper with its components, it will immediately stop working, rendering any tampering attempts futile. As one client, John, testified, "I tried tampering with it. I tried everything I could. And I couldn't get away with it. This is pretty much foolproof, tamper-proof, and therefore there's really no way to go around Soberlink."

In contrast, less secure systems allow for physical tampering. These devices can often be pried open and manipulated, such as disconnecting the fuel cell, which results in negative readings every time. This vulnerability significantly undermines the reliability of the results, making it easier for individuals to tamper with the system.

Compliance and Reporting Support

Soberlink's in-house compliance team plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of the testing process. The in-house team of experts reviews the tests and images taken from the device, adding an extra layer of security as needed. Their oversight ensures that tests can be thoroughly evaluated and that any potential issues are promptly addressed.

In contrast, other alcohol monitoring systems do not have an in-house team dedicated to assessing tests. This leaves the responsibility of verifying tests to the user, attorney, addiction professional, or other involved parties. Without dedicated oversight, the integrity of the testing process can be compromised, leading to arbitrary results and "he-said, she-said" scenarios. The lack of professional review means that tampering attempts may go unnoticed, and the reliability of the monitoring system is significantly diminished.

The Compliance Department at Soberlink spends countless hours evaluating tests each day. Thousands of tamper attempts have been detected and reported to involved parties, an achievement no other alcohol monitoring company can proclaim.

Court-Admissible and Trusted in Legal Settings

Soberlink has been court-admissible for over 10 years and is trusted in all 50 states and Canada. This long-standing reputation underscores its reliability and the confidence that legal professionals have in its accuracy. One key reason for Soberlink’s court admissibility is its thorough verification process. Each compliant test on Soberlink’s report not only means a negative test was submitted, but that identity was verified and that there had been no tampering. This comprehensive approach paints a clear and accurate picture of the user's sobriety.

In contrast, other systems simply provide a negative or positive result without verifying the tester’s identity. This lack of detailed verification can lead to significant gaps in the reliability of the reports, making them less trustworthy in legal settings. As Family Law Attorney Carlos Daniel Olivares noted, "The problem with [other options] was that the reports we were getting were very vanilla. It was just a report that didn't identify who the sender was, and it made the other parent uncomfortable." With Soberlink, each report includes identity verification, providing clear and reliable documentation that can be trusted in legal settings.

Tampering in Other Systems

Cheaper alcohol monitoring systems are more susceptible to tampering. As Dr. Robb, a Forensic Therapist, notes, "I frankly think the monitoring system in place that they're able to cheat is the much bigger issue because you've got a false sense of confidence with those folks. Nobody should be doing this work on the cheap."

The Importance of Agreements in Alcohol Monitoring

Agreements are crucial in alcohol monitoring as they set up the protocol and rules for testing. They ensure that all parties understand the procedures and expectations, which is vital for maintaining the integrity of the monitoring process. Brands without such agreements set people up for failure, as there are no clear guidelines or accountability measures in place. Soberlink's sample agreement outlines these protocols clearly, ensuring everyone involved knows what to do and what is expected.


In conclusion, Soberlink stands out as the most reliable choice for alcohol monitoring due to its advanced features and robust tamper-detecting mechanisms. While other systems may be susceptible to tampering, Soberlink's comprehensive verification process, facial recognition technology, tamper detection sensors, and dedicated compliance team make it nearly impossible to tamper. For legal professionals and those in addiction recovery, using a proven, court-admissible system like Soberlink is crucial for accurate monitoring and maintaining trust in the process.

Learn More About Soberlink

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