Best Decision Yet

Best Decision Yet - Sober Story
June 27, 2024
|  Last updated:

I was a heavy, daily drinker for 20 years before I finally surrendered and sought treatment. After four detox stays in the span of six months, a 60+ day inpatient residential stay, and a 9-month stay at a sober house, I can proudly claim August 12th, 2021, as my sobriety date. Admitting I needed help was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But it is, hands-down and without hesitation, the smartest decision I’ve ever made.Today, I’m a devoted husband, an engaged and present father, a reliable son, and a respectable member of society. I use the tools and resources available to me that are designed to build structure and reliability, one of those being the Soberlink Connect Device.I test every morning and every evening, and I share the results with my wife, who keeps me honest and accountable. In my experience, my willingness to share, transparency, and consistency have renewed my wife’s faith in our relationship. My family and friends have all commented that I am a vastly changed man. I’m happy.

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