Family Law Articles

What Does “Best Interests of the Child” Standard Mean and How to Uphold It
September 26, 2019
Father with Children Having Fun at Home
A study conducted by the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions says that 48.3 percent of people who experience Alcohol Use Disorder reported that they had gone through a divorce in their lifetime. That’s almost half of all people surveyed.
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Back-to-School Custody Tips
September 23, 2019
A boy going back to school while holding parents hands
Every new school year promises a world of possibilities, but for both parents and children, it is sure to pose some challenges, too. Sometimes just getting your child’s feet into shoes can be a major feat. If you share custody of your child, you may face a few extra difficulties. A sound co-parenting agreement addresses some of the issues that may arise during the school year.
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Using Alcohol Monitoring in the Collaborative Practice
September 2, 2019
A couple having alcohol problems in relationship during therapy
Marriage can be compared to building a house. Blueprints for the future are made, concrete foundations of love, trust and commitment are laid, and the house is built. While some of these homes are able to withstand all of life’s occurrences, others are not. When this happens, there are many different alternatives that couples can use to go about deconstructing these homes.
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Co-Parenting Tips for Challenging Times
August 28, 2019
Little girl sitting on her mother's lap and reading a book
In the course of your co-parenting days, you’re likely to encounter some difficult situations that you may not know how to handle. Below, you’ll find examples of co-parenting issues you may run into along with some suggested solutions. The Anecdotes are fictional but based upon actual experiences.
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How Parenting Plans May Change as Kids Get Older
July 24, 2019
Father and Son Having Fun in Park
Although parents might not want them too, children grow up. As the gap between childhood and adolescence rapidly closes, children will try to open the door to independence, and divorced parents may find that their previously established parenting plans don’t make it over the threshold.
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4 Tips on Changing Parenting Time for the Summer
June 27, 2019
A father sitting with his two kids at the beach during summer
Summer can be a great source of excitement for many children and families, as well as a source of anxiety. When those school doors shut, parents are left to manage their children’s open agendas, often while managing their own work schedule. This can be especially difficult for divorced parents as they try to navigate a new, temporary parenting plan until school is back in session.
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How to Successfully Navigate a Co-Parenting Agreement
May 13, 2019
A father carrying his daughter
When comprising a co-parenting agreement, many factors must be considered. The needs of the parent are always important, but Family Law courts always place priority on the child and their needs. What are the issues to look out for when going through this process and what is a co-parenting agreement?
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5 Tips for More Efficient Parenting Plans
April 30, 2019
Daughter walking hand in hand with parents
At the end of the 20th century, 43% to 46% of marriages in the US were predicted to end in dissolution, according to the Journal of Marriage and Family. Divorces are hard in any circumstance, but when there are children involved things become increasingly more complicated.
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How to Avoid He-Said-She-Said in Custody Cases Using Soberlink
February 27, 2019
A woman and man both sitting with arms crossed during custody case
He-said-she-said arguments can be a huge hindrance in Family Law custody cases, especially when claims of alcohol abuse are made. Without the support of admissible evidence, these baseless arguments can cause a variety of negative repercussions, including placing unnecessary stress on children.
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2019 Family Law Trends: Soberlink, Technology and More
January 31, 2019
Man Writing About Family Law Trends
From innovations in technology to updates in legislation, 2019 is predicted to see a variety of changes that may directly impact Family Law clients. To help Family Law professionals stay ahead of the curve and provide clients with streamlined litigation, we’ve compiled the top five Family Law trends to look out for in the new year. Keep reading to learn more.
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